About the Celebration of Leadership
True to its name, the D.C. Bar's Celebration of Leadership is a celebratory evening that takes place every June to honor the past year's achievements and to build excitement for the new goals to come. The gala dinner and annual meeting are also the Bar's official welcome for its newly elected officers, members of the Board of Governors, and American Bar Association delegates. 
With the tables set and the microphone on, the Board of Governors and past presidents of the D.C. Bar recognize leaders whose contributions have helped move the profession forward. The awards focus on some of the key values of the legal industry. Commitment to government service. Champion for civil rights and individual liberties. Dedication to public interest. Featured awards are the Beatrice Rosenberg Award for Excellence in Government Service and the Justice Thurgood Marshall Award or Justice William J. Brennan Jr. Award in alternating years.
Other awards include outstanding D.C. Bar members, committees, communities, and projects are honored with other annual Bar awards.  Additionally, the “The Presidents’ Reception” presented by the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is held prior to the Celebration of Leadership.
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2025
Membership Reception
Dinner and Awards Ceremony
Location: The Westin Washington, DC Downtown Hotel 999 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Sponsoring this event will allow your company to stay top-of-mind in the Washington D.C. legal market; while helping you drive lead generation and build new connections with decision- makers.
Why Sponsor?
Historical Attendee Breakdown
Areas of Practice Include:
Administrative Law and Agency Practice
Corporation, Finance and Securities Law
Labor and Employment Law
Intellectual Property Law
Public Interest and Courts
International Law
Criminal Law and Individual Rights
Real Estate, Housing and Land Use
Family Law
Estates, Trusts and Probate Law
Government Contracts
Firm/Organization Size
Industry Breakdown by Attendees
Sponsor Packages
$10,000 (limited to 3)
Limited Premier Sponsor
Lead Generation Opportunities:
One table for sponsor at Celebration of Leadership event
Attendee list provided post-event (name, title and company only)
Media and Marketing Exposure:
Inclusion and recognition in event pre- and post-marketing vehicles, including website, social media tags, invite emails, and promotional recognition in all relevant channels
Ability to provide a 15-second congratulatory video to be played during the event
Full page ad in the printed program guide distributed at the Celebration of Leadership
Materials from sponsor can be placed at each table setting
Brand inclusion on “walk-in” slides
Brand inclusion in “Thank you Email Blast” to attendees' post-event
Half page ad in Washington Lawyer
Thank you/Acknowledgement from emcee
Supporting Sponsor
Lead Generation Opportunities:
Two tickets for the Celebration of Leadership event
Media and Marketing Exposure:
Inclusion and recognition in event pre- and post-marketing vehicles, including website, social media tags, invite emails, and promotional recognition in all relevant channels
Brand inclusion on “walk-in” slides
Brand inclusion in “Thank you Email Blast” to attendees' post-event